Face it, You’re a Zucker

Face it, You’re a Zucker

Face it, You’re a Zucker Instagram, everyone’s favourite social media platform. Or should I call it Insta-Snap-Tik-Book-Gram? Yeah, that sounds about right. I’m sure you know exactly where we’re heading with this, but let’s take it from the top.  It all started with...
The Reel Deal

The Reel Deal

The Reel Deal If you’ve gotten the latest Instagram update where the magnifying glass for the “explore” tab has suddenly morphed into a blackhole of endless swiping through 15 second videos, congrats – you’ve entered the world of Reels.  Like any new update, we...
Twitter is the Safest of ‘Em All!

Twitter is the Safest of ‘Em All!

Indian marketers are sleeping on Twitter. This needs to be fixed ASAP. Read our blog and let us know what you think.  We’ve started a social media app ban bingo at our office where we keep ticking off apps as they get banned. So far, we’re 117 Chinese apps...
Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

“Do client servicing” they said, “it will be fun”, they said. But it is fun, mostly, maybe. If a marketing firm were characters of a chick flick, the client servicing would be the frenemy who you eventually warm up to. Keeping the copy and design be on their toes,...