Chat GPT: Judgement day for Copywriters?

In the bleak midwinter, with the morning sun choked under heavy ash clouds and a smothering feeling of dread and unnatural darkness laid over the land, a group of people move quietly, carefully, hiding from the machines who rule with merciless efficiency.

Sounds like a scene from Terminator? Because it is.

Movies, novels and the occasional multi-billionaire have been warning about the danger AI poses with every new advancement and technological leap. The latest in line among them being ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is a free software that can write almost anything under the sun according to your prompt, whether it is a poem, screenplay, blog, or the assignment that’s due the next day. 

How about we let ChatGPT explain what it can do itself?

“This brainy bot can answer your questions without even batting an eye, and it can do it faster than you can say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”! It’s like having a smartypants friend who never gets tired of your inane queries”

With its multitude of features, it’s going to make authors, copywriters, and English teacher’s jobs obsolete. At least that’s what the internet would have you believe.

Content creation plays a huge part in building a brand and is a key component of marketing spend for companies all around the globe. It is taxing on the mind and time consuming therefore expensive by nature. AI programs such as Chat GPT on the other hand are incredibly efficient and cost effective hence the assumed paradigm shift in writing.

But what about the quality of content? Some may ask, and within this question lies the salvation of copywriters and the answer to why you shouldn’t be scared. Copywriting is about more than just stringing words together in a coherent way. Copywriting requires an in-depth understanding of tone, style, and specific needs of the client.

AI language models like Chat GPT can no doubt have the capability to generate coherent text surprisingly quickly, however it lacks the understanding of context and the necessary creativity to create something truly unique.

Here’s what Chat GPT has to say about this:

So does that mean the hype around Chat GPT is superficial?

Well no, like any other AI assist program Chat GPT is just a tool. Think of a farmer, waking up at the crack of dawn to reap his harvest, working till the sun touches the horizon using nothing but his hands and the simplest of tools. How much easier would his day be if he had a reaper or combine harvester? The same work can now be completed in maybe half the time. 

That’s the purpose of Chat GPT and similar AI language models, quintessentially it’s just a tool. A tool to help you, to save your time. It can never replace a writer but it certainly can enhance their capability. It can help someone pretend to be a mediocre copywriter but for someone who knows their craft, it can help them become exceptional.

Let’s sum it up with a question, if you were a business owner would you be okay with mediocre content for your business?

That is the answer to the question of this blog.




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